Coinbase® Wallet® Extension® | Getting Started | gitbook*us-en ...

Coinbase Wallet Extension is an extension of the Coinbase Wallet, a decentralized wallet for managing cryptocurrencies and interacting with the

Coinbase offers browser extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox that allow you to access Coinbase features directly from your browser. If there have been updates or changes to the Coinbase browser extension after this date, please refer to the latest official Coinbase documentation or support for the most accurate information. Here's a general guide on how to add the Coinbase extension to your browser:

For Google Chrome:

  1. Visit the Chrome Web Store:

    • Open the Chrome browser.

    • Go to the Chrome Web Store (

  2. Search for Coinbase:

    • In the search bar, type "Coinbase" and press Enter.

  3. Find the Coinbase Extension:

    • Look for the official Coinbase extension in the search results.

  4. Add to Chrome:

    • Click on the Coinbase extension from the search results.

    • Click the "Add to Chrome" button.

  5. Confirm Installation:

    • A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the installation. Click "Add extension."

  6. Access Coinbase Extension:

    • Once installed, you should see the Coinbase icon in the upper-right corner of your Chrome browser.

For Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Visit the Firefox Add-ons website:

    • Open the Firefox browser.

    • Go to the Firefox Add-ons website (

  2. Search for Coinbase:

    • In the search bar, type "Coinbase" and press Enter.

  3. Find the Coinbase Extension:

    • Look for the official Coinbase extension in the search results.

  4. Add to Firefox:

    • Click on the Coinbase extension from the search results.

    • Click the "Add to Firefox" button.

  5. Confirm Installation:

    • A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the installation. Click "Add."

  6. Access Coinbase Extension:

    • Once installed, you should see the Coinbase icon in the toolbar or menu of your Firefox browser.

Using the Extension:

  1. Log In:

    • Click on the Coinbase extension icon.

    • Log in to your Coinbase account.

  2. Access Features:

    • The extension may provide quick access to features like checking your portfolio, viewing prices, and more.

  3. Follow On-Screen Instructions:

    • Follow any on-screen instructions provided by the extension to set it up according to your preferences.

Remember, the information provided is based on the situation as of January 2022, and changes may have occurred. Always refer to the official documentation or support resources for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Last updated